
Helpful Tips on How to Get Rid of Water Rings on A Marble Surface

Marble is ideal as a surface, considering its stylish look and finish. While it is easy to clean compared to some surfaces, marble still requires extra care to keep it looking its best. One of the issues most homeowners have when it comes to marble is how to keep their marble surfaces free of water rings.

Water rings on the surface of your marble countertop or desk can look insignificant, but they can ruin the surface’s appearance. Etching, which essentially refers to chemical damage of a surface, can also be confused with water rings. Here are some tips on how to do this, especially if the etching is just on the surface level.

Know the difference

The firsts step when dealing with water rings is knowing the difference between water spots and etching marks. While the former forms when water deposits are present on your marble surface, etching marks are left behind when acidic and alkaline substances come into contact with the surface. Water spots are formed when the water dries off, but mineral deposits are left on the surface, usually calcium or magnesium. Both marks may give your surfaces a dull look, but the good news is that they can be removed with the right cleaning procedure.

Use a marble cleaner

The easiest way to deal with water rings is to use a marble cleaner and a piece of soft cloth to wipe the surface. If the stain is just a simple spot that can be wiped off with one swipe, simply apply the cleaner and rub off the spot with a clean piece of cloth.

Use a poultice

If it is a stubborn stain, all you have to do is apply a marble cleaner like TeClean Stain Remover Poultice on the surface. You will need some water to make a consistent paste, apply it on the surface, cover it with plastic and make a few holes on it before leaving it overnight. Once the paste is dry, carefully remove the poultice to reveal a stain-free surface. You can then wipe off the surface with a marble cleaner.

Use steel wool

One of the most common ways of removing a water stain is by simply buffing it with fine steel wool. To prevent damaging your marble, do not use just any steel wool that will tear into the surface of your marble. Rubbing the surface in a circular motion is all you need to get rid of the water stain if you use fine steel wool. This method works best where the stain is not a stubborn one.

Soft bristle brushing

If the water rings on your marble surface are stubborn and formed because of soap scum, you might need something more abrasive, like a soft bristle brush, to get rid of the stains. This would work best with a soap scum remover. Once the stain is removed, you should go over the surface with a marble cleaner to give your marble that extra shine.

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